The Demon Alcohol…
We all have our demons, and sometimes indulgence can make these demon rear their ugly head…
I happen to love bottles as well as the odd drink, I have found that many people connect moments in time, places and people with taste especially if it is a shared experience. I have produced many in this series for friends to remind them of a special occasion or a silly memory.
This series is both fun and a way for me to capture my old demon friends and foes.

'Penfolds Grange' - shellac and ink on canvas board

'Penfolds Grange- shellac and ink on canvas board (in frame)

'Little Bird' - Shellac and ink on canvas board

'Little bird' - Shellac and ink on canvas board (in frame)

'Message in a Bottle (Absinthe)'- Shellac, ink and acrylic on canvas

'High Trellis' - shellac and ink on canvas board

'X.O.' - shellac and ink on canvas board

'Martini'- shellac and ink on canvas board

'Martini'- shellac and ink on canvas board (In frame)

'Whisky- shellac and ink on canvas board (In frame)

'Whisky'- shellac and ink on canvas board

'Message in a Bottle (Bacardi)'- Shellac, ink and acrylic on canvas